Friday, June 6, 2014

Creating Your Own Rickroll

Troll: "Go ahead, go ahead! Click the link!"
*rick-rolled completely*

You know how all of those trolls and newbies used to get you with that repetitive, annoying yet catchy, rick-rolling gif with that song? I always wondered how they did it - didn't you? Especially since you'd have to use your task manager to click off the entire web browser because you couldn't just simply click it off. How annoying.  
But we're about to create one ourselves today! It's about time you got your revenge back and created your own personal one from scratch. Whaddaya think? Ready to rick-roll? Good. 

If you want to view mine in action, feel free to click on this link. But don't worry, I didn't add any alert boxes or such so that you won't be able to click it off like a troll.  It's just a simple rick-roll with a little sign (look above) saying you got "rick-rolled". Instead of spamming someone with complete alert boxes or whatever, we're going to keep it simple and produce something like that. Take notice that this program does not include the usage of jQuery

1.  Finding an Animated Rick-Roll gif

Ah, just looking at his face makes you get rick-rolled. It's like a curse, y'know? But anyway, if you don't want to use the one I have (although it's best that you do), then search for another. But in this tutorial, I'm going to use the exact same one. But just Google search "Rick-rolled gif animated" and you'll see a bunch - even the one where he has his cool shades on. Make sure you copy the image link though, please!

2.  Using JSBin to Code

In all of my tutorials, I always use JSBin. It's a free website where you can code HTML/CSS and JavaScript (as well as a few other languages, CoffeeScript and jQuery of course). Some people use JSFiddle as well, but I personally use JSBin due to my own liking of it. You can choose whichever one you want though. :)

3. Displaying the Animated gif with HTML

To begin, we want to provide an <img/> tag. <img/> tags are tags that reference to an image, so you wouldn't be able to use this tag for any other purposes. For more details, click here. Make sure you create a closing backslash since <img/> tags don't have their own personal closing tag. 

After doing that, we want to provide two attributes to our <img/> tag; one being an ID and the other being called source. The id attribute allows us to produce some CSS code to that specific tag only. If you still don't understand, it's like giving it special abilities unlike the rest. 

To make use of our image link that we copied (the rick-rolled animation, remember?), let's put it in the source attribute in quotation marks. Also, take notice from the image I displayed above (you can click on the image to enlarge it, by the way) - you need a equal sign (=) to attach the image to the source attribute. Same goes for the id attribute; you need to provide an equal sign and then quotation marks. Only difference is naming your id, which could be anything you want! I put mine as "rickrolled".

4. Using CSS to Stretch Our Image

 In the CSS file, I linked my id attribute that was connected to the <img/> tag. Remember, ids' are hash tags in CSS when you're trying to edit it. 

Take a look at the code - it's quite simple, right? Glad you agreed. To explain top from bottom:
  1. I set it's position to fixed so that the user won't be able to scroll the image - it's basically locked onto the screen.
  2. I set the width and height to 100 percentage to adjust it's size, since it was a small image when we had first saw it. Now it stretches out, although you probably won't see much of an change.  
  3.  I set the top and left to 0 pixels so that it evens itself out. It helped determine the size to a perfect fit with no struggle whatsoever. Your image will probably look blurry, but that's because you got a bad gif/png (not my fault!).
  4. Notice the brackets. Those are important. Don't forget to add yours!
Now, if you click that little black arrow in the upper right corner (if your "Output" tab is highlighted), then you should see the code in action. Your little rick-rolling buddy should be rick-rolling those fools to death. Well, you being the fool as of now. 

5. Getting Audio (what is rick-rolling without music?)

Okay, this is such a bad picture.. Looks like a website that would give you a virus, huh? But it's not. In fact, I use this website all of the time for my games. It's called Mp3Skull - check it out (you're going to need to anyways if you want to follow this tutorial..). In the search box, make sure you type up exactly what the song is called. Sometimes you'll get a result from some guy named Barry I believe, but he's not the rick-roller. Just some weirdo who tried mocking Rick Astley's song. Sorry!

After you do that, I want you to hold down the left-click button on your mouse where the download button where the mp3 file is (see it?) and drag it into your URL box at top. My demonstration was poorly illustrated, but I apologize for that. But when you're finished with following that step, make sure you copy the entire link - we're going to need it.  

6. Playing the Audio in Your HTML Document

You made it this far, great! You must be determined to troll people. Now, we're going to want to make use of our link that we got.. We need to create an audio player in JavaScript. This is sort of like manipulating the DOM (HTML document). Let me explain the code from top to bottom in my JavaScript file/tab above:
  1. First, we created a variable called audio. After we did that, we assigned it as a new Audio Object with the new keyword. Then, we gave it parentheses with quotation marks inside of it with the link to our audio (that's where you post your audio link at!). If you understand Objects, you'd understand this very well.
  2.   Below that piece of code, we used the Audio Object's method: .loop on our Object (the variable "audio"). We assigned it to the boolean value true so that it keeps the audio looping - yes, that's the purpose of this method. We don't want our audio to end, so we have to keep it rolling (get it?).
  3. As you probably guessed, the code below that plays the audio that contains our rick-roll song. High five. But to notice that .play() is a method. We even have the ability to pause our music as well, but that's not needed to be mentioned.   

If you want to test it run, don't be shy! Give it a shot. It should work perfectly fine (if you did it correctly). If a problem occurs, just analyze my code above and see what you missed - I understand this might be a little difficult for you to understand, so don't force yourself to learn all of it in one day.

That's it! Your rick-rolling mayhem should be ready to start! You probably noticed the little advertisement banner at the bottom of your image (if you selected this one), but don't worry about it. You could always create a border that says "YOU GOT RICKROLLED" if you feel need to do so like I did. But I encourage you to add your own ideas and see what you come up with! Perhaps you can create that never-ending, painful spam of alert boxes that trollers use to create. Good luck! :)

Have fun! I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial! Stay tuned for some more and keep your eyes peeled for more interesting posts by me!

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